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" Two things define you. Your patience when you have nothing,

and your attitude when you have everything." 

President - Yailin Madera

Year in School - Junior (11th)

SAE - Market Swine

LDE/ CDE - Job Interview and Agronomy 

Career Goal - I want to study crop and soil sciences to obtain a career in farm management or become a golf course superintendent.


Vice President - Sandra Carbajal

Year in School - Senior (12th)

SAE - Market Swine

LDE/ CDE - Job Interview

Career Goal - I want to attend Chico State and major in legal studies to  become a lawyer.

Secretary - Daniela Garcia

Year in School - Sophomore (10th)


LDE/ CDE - Impromptu and Vegetable Crop Judging 

Career Goal - I want to study anthropology and attend a 4-year university.

Treasurer - Amalia Nava

Year in School - Junior (11th)

SAE - Market Swine

LDE/ CDE - Job Interview and Agronomy 

Career Goal - I hope to attend UC Davis and study medicine to persue a career as a pediatrition. 


Reporter - Yaneli Castellon

Year in School - Sophomore (10th)


LDE/ CDE - Vegetable Crop Judging

Career Goal - I want to study marine biology and hope to attend CSU, Montery bay.

Sentinel - Yahir Langarica

Year in School - Sophomore (10th)


LDE/ CDE - Vegetable Crop Judging 

Career Goal - I hope to attend  UC Davis and major in plant and crop science to obtain a career in agribuisness.


Historian - Trinity Fritz

Year in School - Junior (11th)

SAE - Market Swine

LDE/ CDE - Job Interview 

Career Goal - I want to study veterniary medicine and attend Chico State.


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